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Im­po­si­ti­on of con­di­ti­ons pur­suant to Sec­ti­on 28 (3) c AMG (Arz­nei­mit­tel­ge­setz, Ger­man Me­di­ci­nes Act) for the pur­po­se of risk pre­ven­ti­on to as­su­re the sa­fe­ty of blood com­ponents for trans­fu­si­on and of stem cell pro­ducts for hae­ma­to­poe­tic re­con­sti­tu­ti­on: Tes­ting for HIV, HBV and HCV
(PEI De­ci­si­on 07.01.2013)

Implementation of minimum standards for blood screening tests

Imposition of conditions pursuant to Section 28 (3) c AMG (Arzneimittelgesetz, German Medicines Act) for the purpose of risk prevention to assure the safety of blood components for transfusion and of stem cell products for haematopoetic reconstitution: Testing for HIV, HBV and HCV

Aktualisiert: 18.02.2013