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Blood plasma is the liquid cell-free portion of human blood. In addition to many other substances, it also contains components for blood clotting, i.e. both the coagulation factors and their inhibitors.

Plasma for transfusion (Frozen Fresh Plasma (FFP)) can be obtained either from whole blood donations or using a mechanical procedure. An anticoagulant solution is always added during the collection of FFP. FFP is frozen to a temperature below -30°C as soon as possible after being obtained.

Search results 101 to 113 from a total of 113

Name Mar­ket­ing Au­tho­ri­sa­tion Hold­er Li­cense Num­ber Li­cense Date Further Information

Leukozy­ten­de­pletiertes Gefrorenes Frisch­plas­ma GFP-ACD (MS)

Uni­ver­sität­sklinikum Mün­ster

PEI.H.03073.01.1 29.01.2008

Leukozy­ten­de­pletiertes Gefrorenes Frisch­plas­ma GFP-Q (MS)

Uni­ver­sität­sklinikum Mün­ster

PEI.H.03545.01.1 29.01.2008

Leukozy­ten­de­pletiertes Gefrorenes Frisch­plas­ma, quar­an­tae­nege­lagert Th-S

In­sti­tut für Trans­fu­sion­s­medi­zin Suhl gGmbH, 98527 Suhl

PEI.H.03238.01.1 17.02.2005

Ly­oPlas N-W

DRK-Blut­spende­di­enst West gGmbH der Lan­desver­bände Nor­drhein, West­falen-Lippe, Rhein­land-Pfalz und Saar­land In­sti­tut für Trans­fu­sion­s­medi­zin in Ha­gen

PEI.H.03075.01.1 24.05.2004

Ly­oPlas N, uni­ver­sal

DRK-Blut­spende­di­enst West gGmbH der Lan­desver­bände Nor­drhein; West­falen-Lippe; Rhein­land-Pfalz und Saar­land

PEI.H.03076.01.1 24.05.2004

Ly­oPlas P

DRK-Blut­spende­di­enst West gGmbH der Lan­desver­bände Nor­drhein, West­falen-Lippe, Rhein­land-Pfalz und Saar­land - Zen­trum Ha­gen

PEI.H.04493.01.1 08.02.2012

Oc­ta­plas LG

Oc­taphar­ma GmbH

PEI.H.02698.01.1 06.06.2006

OC­TA­PLAS SD-virusi­nak­tiviertes Hu­man­plas­ma

Oc­taphar­ma GmbH

9554.00.00 03.11.1989

Plas­ma aus Apherese U-FR

Uni­ver­sität­sklinikum Freiburg - Trans­fu­sion­s­medi­zin

PEI.H.00728.01.1 11.04.2000

Quar­an­täne­plas­ma aus Apherese-KL, leukozy­ten­de­pletiert

Uni­ver­sität­sklinikum Köln (AöR)

PEI.H.12052.01.1 21.06.2022

Quar­an­täne­plas­ma aus Plasma­pherese-KL

Uni­ver­sität­sklinikum Köln (AöR)

PEI.H.12053.01.1 11.07.2022


Uni­ver­sität­sklinikum Köln (AöR)

PEI.H.03106.01.1 30.11.2004

RUHR-PLAS­MA Frischge­frorenes Hu­man­plas­ma Blut­gruppe A

Ruhr-Plas­ma-Zen­trum Bochum GmbH

2872.00.00 18.02.1983


The list of medicines contains the products that have a valid marketing authorization. It contains no information as to whether the preparations are available on the market.

The information contained in the Federal Gazette, which is the official publication organ of the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut, is legally binding.

As of: PEI announcement No. 515 in BAnz AT 09.04.2024 B3.

Summary of Product Characteristics (SmPCs) and the Package Leaflet (PL)

Where the European Medicines Agency (EMA) offers further information, you will find a link to the EPAR (European public assessment report) in the table.

If user and technical information or public assessment reports are available in PharmNet.Bund, the Federal and State Pharmaceutical Information Portal, these are directly linked to PharmNet.Bund in the table.

Updated: 09.04.2024